24 October 2023, 15:00-17:00
GHRP Annual Conference
Un Photo//Evan Schneider
The UN Human Rights Council (HRC) is a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) and, as such, its resolutions pass by the UNGA Third Committee for confirmation. A number of resolutions and discussions on reports by UN special procedures are thus directly set in the Third Committee.
This public workshop forms part of the 2023 Annual Conference of the Geneva Human Rights Platform in New York. Co-organized with Amnesty International, the International Service for Human Rights, the Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung New York Office and the Universal Rights Group, it will explore the connectivity between the HRC and the UNGA Third Committee. Aimed primarily at small delegations, and drawing on the GHRP Training Hub’s expertise, it will untangle the links between these two bodies by providing an overview of the functioning and challenges of the Geneva-based human rights mechanisms, their relationships to New York-based mechanisms, and of recent HRC resolutions and political dynamics in Geneva. The event will then zoom in on specific HRC resolutions to showcase the role of the HRC in human rights normative development and in ensuring accountability through its mechanisms.
You can find here information about the other panels/events that form part of the 2023 Annual Conference in New York.
This annual flagship public event one-day public event open to all human rights actors – diplomats, experts, NGOs, members of UN treaty bodies, Special Rapporteurs, international organizations, National Human Rights Institutions and academics – addresses current issues and challenges in the work of Geneva-based human rights mechanisms.
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Our latest research brief, 'Sending Up a Flare: Autonomous Weapons Systems Proliferation Risks to Human Rights and International Security' examines the proliferation of autonomous weapons systems and consequent risks to security and human rights.
Geneva Academy
The Geneva Human Rights Platform hosted an expert roundtable with the theme 'Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Human Rights Monitoring.'
Adobe Stock
This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee.
UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré
A series of events aimed at discussing contemporary issues and challenges related to the promotion and protection of human rights in Geneva and beyond.
Geneva Academy