Stakeholders at both national and international levels have introduced a growing number of digital human rights tracking tools and databases (DHRTTDs) designed to facilitate a more holistic approach to human rights monitoring and implementation. Such tools represent an innovative solution for all human rights actors to better organize and coordinate information management and data collection on the steps taken to implement international human rights standards and recommendations.
This directory – regularly updated with new entries – provides a comprehensive list and description of such key tools and databases.
The NHRI Accreditation Database is specifically designed to assist National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) monitor their compliance with the Paris Principles.
Supports national mechanisms for implementation, reporting and follow-up plan and track the realization of their human rights obligations and the SDGs.
Tracks the implementation of recommendations by UN human rights mechanisms and cases of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in Paraguay and other Latin American countries.
Designed to assist national stakeholders with the monitoring and implementation of international human rights recommendations and the SDGs, communicating progress to the public.
Designed to follow up on the recommendations by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
Designed to assess Samoa’s human rights performance through a customized version of the IMPACT OSS software.
A searchable database of observations and recommendations issued by UN human rights mechanisms.
A searchable database that links monitoring information from the international human rights system to the SDGs.
Designed for human rights defenders to manage collections of information such as documents, evidence, cases, complaints, research, and materials.
Designed to support the advocacy, monitoring and implementation work on UPR recommendations through a customized version of UWAZI.
A friendly, accessible data visualisation site displaying human rights scores for nearly every country in the world.
A digital tool that facilitates the systematization of international human rights recommendations made to the Dominican Republic.
A tracking tool designed to help track how well the United Kingdom and Welsh Governments are putting their international human rights obligations into practice.
An online open database that offers resources and tools to facilitate advocacy for girls’ rights, as well as human rights and gender equality more broadly.
The African Human Rights Case-Law Analyzer provides legal resources on the African human rights system.
A free and open-access online database that provides a complete overview of the cases of the Inter-American Commission and Court of Human Rights.
A practical tool for easy access to international legal instruments as well as agreed language contained in over 670 documents on women’s human rights and gender equality.
The EU Fundamental Rights Information System (EFRIS) brings together information on human rights commitments and compliance of the 27 EU Member States and other EU candidate countries.
The NIM Human Rights Tracker monitors and enhances the follow-up of international human rights recommendations to Norway.
CIRIGHTS measures government protection of human rights for every country in the world.
ILGA World Database is a digital tracking tool designed to gather data on issues pertaining to sexual orientation, gender identity, expression, and sex characteristics.
The TransMonEE Database and Dashboard are digital tools created through a UNICEF initiative aimed at contributing to better data collection and analysis on child rights.
The GenTRACK Arab States focuses on gender-related data concerning 17 countries from the Arab States region. It offers a comprehensive set of 194 gender-related indicators that cover the period from 2000 onwards.
The NHRI Accreditation Database is specifically designed to assist National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) monitor their compliance with the Paris Principles.
Olivier Chamard/Geneva Academy