Health and accident insurance is mandatory when living in Switzerland. You are therefore required to provide proof of coverage within three months of your arrival. Citizens of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) who do not wish to subscribe for the Swiss insurance, may obtain an exemption from the insurance obligation by following the procedures listed below.
Make sure that your insurance will cover your expenses in Switzerland and send a copy of your European insurance card to the Geneva cantonal health insurance office (Service de l'assurance maladie) upon obtaining your residence permit.
Several insurance companies offer student insurance at affordable prices. Our Moodle Platform gives information to incoming students about possible companies.
A special session is dedicated to health insurance during Orientation Week, allowing you to ask all the necessary questions.
When obtaining the residence permit, it is necessary to sign a personal liability insurance. A special session during Orientation Week will allow you to ask all the necessary questions.
For those living in Geneva, it is recommended to have a household insurance. By having a status of the student, Advisor Swiss Insurance will be able to offer you preferential rates.
We are a leading education and research institution in international humanitarian law, human rights and transitional justice.
We organize online information sessions for prospective students as well as for students who have been accepted to our programmes.
Our three master's programmes provide a solid foundation for careers in the humanitarian and human rights fields.
The Geneva Academy brings together a vibrant, intimate and multicultural community of around 100 talented students, leading professors and key experts in the humanitarian, human rights and transitional justice fields.
To teach International Humanitarian Law (IHL) at the Geneva Academy is a unique pleasure and challenge: nowhere else will you find so many brilliant young people from all around the world, keen to specialize in IHL and to work in this field; nowhere else will I be subject to so many challenging questions on the most cutting-edge IHL issues, many of which I discover thanks to the students, but some of which I am perfectly unable to answer.