In Highlight: GenTRACK Arab States

4 June 2024

Stakeholders at both national and international levels have introduced a growing number of digital human rights tracking tools and databases (DHRTTDs) designed to facilitate a more holistic approach to human rights monitoring and implementation.

Via its DHRTTDs Directory, the Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) provides a comprehensive list and description of such key tools and databases. But how to navigate them? Which tool should be used for what, and by whom?

In this interview we find out about the May Highlight of the directory: GenTRACK Arab States

What is special about this tool? What differentiates the GenTRACK Arab States from other tracking tools and databases?

GenTRACK is a tool that aims to highlight the situation of women and girls across Arab States. GenTRACK offers a comprehensive set of 194 gender indicators organized into four thematic areas and eight sub-themes. It provides data for 17 countries and territories from 2000 to date. It serves the purpose of monitoring and advancing gender equality and women's rights in the Arab States region, offering an inclusive perspective on the status/situation of women and girls.

GenTRACK allows a comprehensive analysis of gender data that relates to different aspects of life, including politics, public life, decision-making, the labor force, the private sector, and more. This information is crucial because it helps identify and address disparities and inequalities that arise from gender. Furthermore, by providing actionable insights and evidence, the tracking tool empowers policymakers, organizations, and advocates to develop targeted interventions, policies, and awareness campaigns aimed at reducing gender-based disparities and ensuring equitable treatment and opportunities for all genders.

GenTRACK platform is a collaborative effort, with input and data contributions from various international organizations. Entities such as the UN (including ILO, UN Women, and ESCWA), and the World Bank, among others, play pivotal roles in the development and utilization of GenTRACK. These organizations lead the shaping of GenTRACK's content by generating gender-related statistics, which are then integrated into the platform through the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). They ensure the production of accurate and reliable data across a wide range of thematic areas.

Are there other tools relying on the GenTRACK Arab States?

No tools are relying on the GenTRACK for the moment. Yet, we are working on linking GenTRACK to other portals.

Can you give a concrete example of how it can be used to monitor the national implementation of international human rights obligations?

GenTRACK plays a key role in monitoring the national implementation of international human rights obligations, particularly within the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as Goal 5 (Gender Equality), Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities).

For instance, GenTRACK facilitates the tracking of national implementation plans against SDGs, thereby contributing to the monitoring of the realization of human rights standards outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and international treaties such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). By providing stakeholders with access to gender data, GenTRACK enables them to identify disparities in rights and inequalities and track progress in overcoming them. This evidence-based approach empowers policymakers to design targeted laws, programs, and initiatives that uphold human rights principles, including the fundamental right to access and participate in the workforce.

This tracking tool contributes to simpler and more accessible monitoring of national implementation efforts, facilitates evidence-based policymaking, and thus advances human rights principles outlined in international treaties, ultimately leading to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals related to gender equality, economic growth, and reduced inequalities.

Who are its main users?

GenTRACK is used by a variety of stakeholders, including development specialists, decision-makers, civil society, governments, and the general public. It provides multiple data visualization options, including maps, charts, tables, and country snapshots. Its versatility makes it very useful for different actors who focus on human rights monitoring and advocacy. For instance, civil society organizations (CSOs) can access reliable data that helps them build their advocacy efforts and thus influence policy changes both at national and international levels.

Are there any upcoming developments related to the GenTRACK Arab States that you would like to share?

UN Women is currently introducing a feature for qualitative trends analysis to selected indicators within the GenTRACK Arab States. This analysis entails examining significant socio-economic events associated with major trends across indicators. Through this feature, users will be able to identify key events that have influenced significant changes in trends. Additionally, this development involves integrating the Gender Justice and Equality Before the Law dashboard, which offers an overview of the overall situation regarding gender justice in relation to constitutions, CEDAW, and national laws.



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