EventIn this book launch, Patryk Labuda will discuss with leading experts and practitioners his new book International Criminal Tribunals and Domestic Accountability. In The Court’s Shadow.
This side event will discuss the new report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association on the importance of these rights in sustainable peace and democratic transitions.
EventOn the occasion of the launch in Geneva of the volume Armed Groups and International Law. In the Shadowland of Legality and Illegality, panelists will reflect on the status of armed groups within a complex legal landscape.
CCPR Centre
EventIn this opening lecture of the 2023–2024 academic year, Professor Hélène Tigroudja will discuss how UN human rights mechanisms address cases or situations that arise during armed conflicts.
Right-holders from affected communities will give testimonies on the impacts of environmental destruction on their communities, talk about their ongoing struggles and challenges, and propose solutions to multiple crises.
Peasants' representatives, Permanent Missions and experts will discuss the creation by the UN Human Rights Council of a new Special Procedure on the rights of peasants.
EventOn the occasion of UDHR's 75th anniversary, this HRC side event will discuss the relevance of universal human rights to tackling current global challenges.
EventThe side event to the HRC 53rd session will discuss the various avenues to advance accountability and end impunity for serious abuses committed in the context of exercising the rights to peaceful assembly and association.
EventCette conférence co-organisée avec Swissaid et CROPS4HD – qui se tiendra en français en présentiel et en ligne – vise à approfondir la réflexion autour du droit aux semences en Afrique.
EventThis online Hernan Santa Cruz dialogue will discuss current challenges and future opportunities in the work on corruption and human rights.